Next: A primer on urban painting [Trailer + Documentário completo]

"NEXT: A PRIMER ON URBAN PAINTING is a documentary exploration of graffiti-based visual art as a world culture. The filmmaker profiles the art form in nine countries including USA, Canada, France, Holland, Germany, England, Spain, Japan and Brazil. A combination of verite moments and interviews with painters, "writers", designers, documentarians and other participants within the subculture, the film conveys the dynamism and creative brilliance of this important emerging artistic movement"

Documentário completo ( 1h 35min) logo aqui!

Via Periférica

No seguimento do post " Graffiti Jam Session 2010@Maia 14.11.2010" deixo aqui um pequeno documentário acerca do local emblemático onde esse mesmo "evento" aconteceu.

Via Periférica from Nuno Alves on Vimeo.